About - Thousand Island Park Rentals
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We have provided a rental service to Thousand Island Park since 1990 and have over a 90% return rate. Many of our guests have returned for many years and many become permanent summer residents. Keeping our neighborhoods safe and copacetic is our goal and mission and as we enter our 29th year of providing an important service to Thousand Island Park.


We provide landlords with extensive internet exposure on a beautifully designed and managed website to help them rent their Thousand Island Park homes out to summer guests.


We provide management as each cottage is checked prior to arrival and departure. We can also provide professional cleaning staff for cottage opening, weekly cleanings, and other services, such as gardening and home repairs. Management consists of staff that handles all booking and a housekeeping supervisor in charge of the cleaning staff.


Our team communicates with guests about available times and provide information regarding cottage expectations. We are here to answer all questions and accommodate all special needs. If problems arise, management is on premises 24/7 immediately to resolve any and all issues.


Thousand Island Park Rentals has a rental fee for the landlords that is at the lowest end and has never been increased since 1990, as our “mission” is to provide a service that benefits our special historic river summer community and keeps our neighborhoods copacetic.